Flow Control Technology
Distributes even coverage across the entire spray pattern ensuring healthy landscapes.
Promises gentle close-in watering to eliminate dry spots around the sprinkler head.
ExactEdge Output
After arc adjustment, the Rain Bird He-VAN nozzles maintain the required arc setting and distribute a clean, consistent edge every time! No more spray-over onto patios or paths.
Features a built-in tactile click to deliver the exact radius and keep the arc setting from drifting over time.
Unique Stream Pattern
Ensuring accurate spray patterns, the nozzle emits large wind-resistant droplets.
For unmatched performance, Rain Bird He-VAN nozzles prevent misting and evaporation ensuring water is delivered exactly where required.
Easy Arc Adjustment
To adjust the arc setting, simply twist the centre collar – no tools are required!
The stainless steel adjustment screw allows full adjustment of flow with up to 25% radius reduction.
Fully adjustable from 0-360° enabling you to stock fewer nozzles yet ensure maximum efficiency when watering complicated landscapes.
Long-Lasting Performance
Each nozzle is made from UV-resistant plastic and is complete with a strong top deflector to minimise nozzle damage over time.
For ultimate clogging prevention, the nozzle arrives with a filter screen to trap debris and ensure precise output.
Increase efficiency and pair your He-VAN nozzle with
Pressure Regulated Spray Bodies.
Three-year trade warranty.
- Spacing: 1.8 – 4.6m
- Pressure: 1.0 – 2.1 Bar
- Optimal Working Pressure: 2.1 Bar
- Radius: 1.8 to 2.4m
- Adjustable Radius: 0 - 360°